Brain Lateralization Test Results |
Right Brain (58%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain. Left Brain (54%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain |
Career Inventory Test Results
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Home Page for the new camera.
Haven't taken it out of the box yet, but soon will. I got an email from Oceanside Photo and Telescope yesterday afternnon that cameras had arrived, and did I still want the one I had on reserve? I immediately drove up and got it. I spent about $6 worth of gas driving, but saved about $30 worth in shipping.
Going into the store was a suprisingly good experience. I was dressed in work clothes, which means I looked like a bag lady, both kids were filthy and tired, and instead of getting treated badly due to dishevelment, I was treated extremely well.
The store has a large round compass rose patterned decorative floor mat in the center of the store. They have a zillion different telescopes, and an overwhelming amount of camera supplies. They're right off the 5, for those keeping track at home.
I got the camera, a 1 gig memory card, a remote shutter release, a T-ring and prime focus adapter, and an extra battery. I now need lenses, but that's a whole other odyssey!
When I was in college, the smart people were going into engineering, which had solid long-term prospects, and only we dweezils majored in English, and look what happened: Engineers are being laid off, America is losing its capacity to manufacture things (my phone was made in China, of course), but every day we turn out trillions of words about ourselves, bloggers blogging, floods of memoir, daydreaming, carpet chewing, and when eventually the Chinese repo men come to collect on our debt, they will find a nation of highly articulate self-aware people who can't change an oil filter but maintain wonderful Web sites. A nation of English majors.
Lindbergh flew the Atlantic with no radio and nobody knew where he was until some fishermen saw his plane off the Irish coast, but I maintain constant contact as I roam the produce section shopping for honeydew melons. I used to feel superior to cellphone people and now I am one. And [now my phone is ringing], and it is my wife wondering about my plans for the day. I am fond of this little gizmo. Some people consider it an intrusion and goody for them, but I grew up in the sticks and know how oppressive silence can be and I am not romantic about isolation. I remember those flinty old guys in small-town cafes who wouldn't give you the time of day and I don't miss them at all. I miss my aunts. I think my aunts would've loved cellphones.
Ah, what a wonderful summary of cellular culture! And I don't mean the petri dish kind. This time.